This school offers German Language course for students of 11th & 12th standards at the end of which they take up the Board examination [We have been offering German language course from 2011]
As part of our German Language initiative we have taken part in the project called “Greening with Goethe’ held under the auspices of the Max Miller Bhavan India. The full details of the Project can be seen under
Two of our students Ankita and Tasneen went to Bremen in Germany to take part in the international conference in connection with the Project. On their return to India, further work on the project has been done. All this can be seen in the blog
Our School has tied up with a school in Germany called “WILHELM BUSCH GYMNASIUM” at Stadthagen near Hannover in Germany for an Inter school Exchange Programme. As part of this Exchange Programme, 14 of our students are visiting stadthagen from 14.07.2014 to 28.07.2014. The list of students and the accompanying teacher can be seen in the blog
The students from “WILHELM BUSCH GYMNASIUM” are expected to visit our school in Jan 2015, as part of the Exchange programme.