Our School

Kumararani Meena Muthiah Matriculation Higher Secondary School prepares the youth for a prosperous future and to build a strong nation.The school aims to inculcate qualities like leadership, co-operation, adjustability, team-spirit and a sense of responsibility and service mindedness which in turn will promote national integration. The school started on June 1st 2001 with a strength of 108 students. Today the strength is 1063. The tireless efforts of our Correspondent and Principal have been rewarded graciously by the almighty.

We all remember that day 13 years ago when we first started. Classrooms partly filled with wailing children, anxious parents and calm teachers. It was then we began our journey along with the toddlers. Many, dreaded school. First we made them love our school. For instance an English lover need not be a mathematics fanatic. Wouldn’t it be better to separate the budding Shakespeares and Einsteins early? Why tax them with social studies when they can run like a gazelle and bring glory to the nation? So the students were given a lot of chances to participate in various cultural activities and athletic events to build their confidence. That was the main goal of KRMMMHSS, to impart a congenial environment to enable the buds to bloom. Our ten years of service in the field of education is the proof that we have succeeded in our goal.

The Cultural feast organized by Vidya Mandir, the drama competition organized by Alliance Française , the poetry recitation competition conducted by Vidya Mandir are a few to mention. They brought laurels to the school by their performance.

Our stage adaptation of ‘Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs’ won a lot of praise and appreciation when it was staged for the School Day 2003-2004. The dance drama on National Integration staged in the Annual Day 2010, was highly appreciated by the famous dancers, ‘The Dhananjayans’. Oratorical competitions, debates are also part of our curriculum.

Annual sports day is conducted and students participate with a lot of vigor and enthusiasm. Coaching is given by experienced physical education instructors in Karate, Cricket and Volley Ball. Prithvi, the State Tennis Player and Irfan the Swimmer are promising athletes of our school.

Students are made aware of major environmental issues. The survivors of Bhopal Gas Tragedy visited our school and addressed the students. Our students participated in a procession to show their support.

It was a great honor when the famous writer Ruskin Bond visited our school. Our students staged a play based on one of his books. Students from the neighboring schools visited our school and there was an interaction with the author – a milestone in our school record.

Annual Health Check up is an essential feature of the academic year. Medical professionals visit the school and examine the students. They are given a report on their health with special emphasis on oral hygiene.

A cure for AIDS is still a dream. Therefore AIDS Awareness Programme has become a must. The film ‘A Closer Walk’ on this issue was screened to make our students aware.

The staff and students are grouped in 4 houses Emerald, Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire. The houses take part in various sports and cultural activities. This helps to build a spirit of competition. The morning assembly activities are taken up by the houses in turn. Interesting and thought provoking speeches are delivered. A physical fitness exercise is done by students under the watchful eyes of the Principal and Staff.

Most of the seeds we had nurtured in the course of these 10 years have grown to saplings. Hope they would become strong oaks and be pillars of pride to our nation.